Movement & Fire

Liberation Miniatures make a five man crew which provides for artillery or mortar crews. Lacking any 105mm guns but having a few plastic 81mm mortars to hand, the decision was made. Those in the know will realise that the mortars themselves are not in fact the modern L16 81mm variety but frankly, I can live with it.
 My battle group will need a variety of Land-rovers for a variety of roles and this will include transporting my mortar battery. So, it was JB Models to the rescue with my first in a series of hard and soft top 4x4s.
Whilst I didn't go overboard with the interior detailing, I needed to paint the cabin before fixing the top to this model.The only interior painting required afterwards was half way down the length of the canvas top. The rest was straight forward.
This is a beautifully simple model to build and ideally suited for the wargamer. One tip to remember is that if you base your vehicles as I do, be careful pushing your model into the glue - the axles are thin and weak and the wheels will buckle.


  1. Lovely stuff.

    What scale are the mini's, they look rather nice!


  2. Yes Darrell ... they good. They are 20mm Liberation Minis.

    1. Thanks for letting me know, I'll look them up.


  3. looked great in the flesh too!

    The mortars were the only ones who actually managed to kill any Polish airbourne troops!


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