Peninsular British Parade: But not quite as you might expect


I laid out all but one or two of my completed units from my Anglo-Portuguese Spanish Peninsular army on my new terrain boards yesterday. I did so as a parade shot (or series of shots) but experienced poor light levels. I left them there overnight.

In the pre and early morning light this morning I stalled when walking past them and really liked the effect, so I snapped off a series of shots.

They are all taken by my Canon Digital SLR on manual setting -no flash (obviously). They all came out black and the images you see are from pulling the exposure up using Photoshop.

Yes, they are grainy and the colours are enormously desaturated due to the low light conditions but I find them hugely atmospheric. I also love how the low-light coming from the dawn angle picks up the effects of the synthetic grass boards far better than full light conditions can.

My Anglo-Portuguese Peninsular army is in 28mm and it represents 17 battalions of infantry and four regiments of cavalry with seven pieces of artillery. I did not lay out my rockets or an incomplete 18th battalion of infantry. I also have my command bases to enhance.

I have more images but I think you get the picture ... see what I did there? Anyway, I'll end off with a clearer but far less romantic/artistic image.


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