Warlord ECW Cavalry Conversions Completed
As it's been that time of year (silly season from Christmas to New Year and onto Australia Day) I'm not giving myself a hard time for a reduction in production. Having said that, I've picked up at least some steam over the past week which as seen this latest unit of English Civil War cavalry all but completed - they are painted anyway. I'm more than happy with how my floppy-hatted head conversions turned out and the first is the above commander of what is my interpretation of Sir John Digby's horse who fought for the King. I had a lot of fun with these figures and I made far fewer mistakes than the previous Warlord box. I gave all my broad-brimmed hats a feather and each is a different colour. These splendid horsemen fought early in the campaigns of Sir Ralph Hopton against William Waller. My one bare headed rider clearly requires a haircut. I still think I should have given him some facial hair - perhaps the next one. After this lot I am about to make a partial t...