ECW: Two Guns


Okay, this is not a battery but a gun for each side, done at the same time. Thus far I have only bought two pieces of ordinance for my fledgling English Civil Wars armies.

The only way to tell them apart is the sash for each officer - red for the royalists and orange for the parliamentarian. These models and crew are both from Empress Miniatures. The guns are both sakers, which according to my Haythornthwaite reference guide, they equate to a 5.5pdr gun - or near as dammit to a 6pdr. In Pike & Shotte rules terms they are medium cannons (guns).

I opted to give them both shiny iron barrels which I think turned out quite nicely. As medium guns they will always be fielded as fixed pieces when deploying - so no limbers for these bad neighbours. Thank the heavens for small mercies. Well as stated in my previous post, that's about it for additional units for the rest of this year I suspect.


  1. Very nice work on the guns and crews, Empress ECW range is lovely some great figures in it.


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