Worst Rabbit Hole: Rapid Dice
I hereby declare that I may be on the verge of madness and about to start something which may well get away from me if I'm not very careful. After a fabulous game of Black Powder Napoleonics this weekend, my lifelong playmate Grant and I discussed this idea I had about Rapid Fire wargames. I had an idea which came from the interview Ken (The Yarkshire Gamer) did with Colin Rumford and Richard Marsh of Rapid Fire wargames fame. They were discussing the reasoning behind Rapid Fire Reloaded which revolves around their ageing eyes and a desire to get away from charts and tables. They had my attention. I am vaguely familiar with their newest rule-set and whilst I am a devotee of their rules I think their new, simplified version can be taken to a more logical and complete conclusion still. I posed to Grant, what if we can get away from tables and charts completely and better still, away from a rule book when playing a game? In Rapid Fire V2 (for example) we roll to hit (with modifiers)