Grape Vines: Old Style
It's taken a year to make these grape vine models - I could have grown a real one in the same time methinks. It was one of those side terrain projects which I started with a burst of enthusiasm which then went off the boil. It seems the impetus I needed was my deployment and not wanting to start anything - so I'm finishing things. The five models represent the ancient 'married vine' method which the Etruscans pioneered (or at least the written record attributes it to them). Planted next to a host tree (above represents an elm) the old grape vines entwine with the partner tree. The ladders ae made of plastic sheet and the barrels are repurposed stowage off some cheap vintage van models I'd been keeping for a rainy day. The ladder gives the vine trees some scale (I trust) and the barrels hint at what they are. I dabbled with the idea of creating grape bunches but in the end I couldn't be bothered and dismissed it as madness. Next time. The vines are made from tw...