Argives Are Done Done: Skirmishers


I think it safe to claim I have never built an army so quickly as I have this Argive army of mine. I seem to have cracked out a small (120 figure) Ancient Greek army for sometime in the early 5th century BC in a little over two months.

I painted half of the army at a time - so about four units simultaneously. As such, I'm grouping these posts into unit types rather than individual posts which is my normal practice.

My skirmishers consist of two units of 8 slingers, a unit of 8 peltasts and a unit of 8 archers. I didn't end up labeling them as any particular type so I can mix and match at will. If I want my slingers to be Rhodians in one game and Helots in another, nothing can stop me.
Unlike most of my ever expanding collection, the entire army is from a single manufacturer - First Corps.



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