A Dutch Brigade at Ramillies

The following is my intended first Dutch brigade of the Allied army at Ramillies (1706). It is based upon 1/20 representative troop scale at 80% strength and is designed for Warhammer Ancient Battles ECW WSS variant. It contains all the information I have been able to glean from a variety of sources to serve (for me) as a one-stop reference when I begin painting/modelling the units. Anyone who is willing or able to fill in any gaps, please don't hesistate to let me know.

Ramilies Order of Battle (WAB)

Allied Infantry Brigade (centre left)

Senior Command

Lietenant General Coenraad William van Dedem
Dedem Lord of Gelder bn 1644, Governor of Maastricht 1703, Knight of Overijssel 1683 d 1714.

Major General Cornelis Van Nassau, heer Van Woudenberg
bn 1675 and son of Hendrik van Nassau-Ouwerkerk commanding the left flank and cavalry, promoted to Major General 1709.

Brigadier Willem Baldwin Van Soutelande
d 1710


Van Delan fusiliers (Dutch foot – Gelderland - No 2)
9 Points
Steady Foot M4 WS3 BS2 S3 T3 W1 I3 A1 Ld7

33 figures: 1 Colonel (Leader +5 points) 2 Ensign (+10/+10 points) 1 Drummer (+5 points)
3 Grenadiers (Veterans @ +4 points each = 12 points) 3 Officers 23 Other ranks
Total: 339 points

Representation: Regiments consist of 10 companies of three figures. Figures are based three companies to a base in three ranks (9 figures) making for 4 bases, 1 being a command base of 6 figures including the ensigns, drummer and colonel.

Historical Notes

Uniform: Grey/white coat – red lining, cuffs, grey/white w/coat, grey breeches & stockings, no hat lace. NCO – red w/coat & breeches. Drummers - red coat, yellow lining & cuffs, gold lace.

Standard: See (2) Beijnheim, Sapherson p28

Command: Colonel-proprietor was Erard Van Delan from 1704 and during Ramillies. From 1694 Johan van Beynheym was Commandant Colonel commanding.

Van Nassau-Woudenberg (Dutch foot – Utrecht - No 27)
9 Points
Steady Foot M4 WS3 BS2 S3 T3 W1 I3 A1 Ld7

33 figures: 1 Colonel (Leader +5 points) 2 Ensign (+10/+10 points) 1 Drummer (+5 points) 3 Grenadiers (Veterans @ +4 points each = 12 points) 3 Officers 23 Other ranks
Total: 339 points

Representation: Regiments consist of 10 companies of three figures. Figures are based three companies to a base in three ranks (9 figures) making for 4 bases, 1 being a command base of 6 figures including the ensigns, drummer and colonel.

Historical Notes

Uniform: Grey coat, lining & cuffs. NCO crimson lining. Officers - red lining. Officers – red cuffs & w/coat. NCO red w/coat. Officers red stockings. NCO – crimson stockings. Officers – gold lace.

Standard: ?

Command: Raised in 1688, the regiment’s second Colonel-proprietor from 1700 was Cornelis Van Nassau, heer Van Woudenberg. No Commander Commandant is recorded and the most senior officer listed is Lieutenant Colonel Johan Backer who died at Ramillies.

Van Soutelande (Dutch foot – Holland - No 16)
9 Points
Steady Foot M4 WS3 BS2 S3 T3 W1 I3 A1 Ld7

33 figures: 1 Colonel (Leader +5 points) 2 Ensign (+10/+10 points) 1 Drummer (+5 points) 3 Grenadiers (Veterans @ +4 points each = 12 points) 3 Officers 23 Other ranks
Total: 339 points

Representation: Regiments consist of 10 companies of three figures. Figures are based three companies to a base in three ranks (9 figures) making for 4 bases, 1 being a command base of 6 figures including the ensigns, drummer and colonel.

Historical Notes

Uniform: White coat, lines red – cuffs red.

Standard: ?

Command: Colonel-proprietor was Willem Baldwin Van Soutelande from 1695 at during Ramillies. Colonel Commandant from 1704 and at Ramillies was Jacques de Rocques Cervière.

Tscharner (Dutch/Swiss foot – raised Berne, maintained Holland - No 65)
13 Points
Veteran Foot M4 WS3 BS3 S3 T4 W1 I4 A1 Ld7

36 figures: 1 Colonel (Leader +5 points) 2 Ensign (+10/+10 points) 1 Drummer (+5 points) 4 Officers
28 Other ranks
Total: 498 points

Representation: Regiments consist of 4 companies of 9 figures (no grenadiers). Figures are based one company to a base in three ranks (9 figures) making for 4 bases, 1 being a command base including the ensigns, drummer and colonel.

Historical Notes

Uniform: Blue coat. Carmine lining, breeches, w/coat, stockings. Yellow buttons & hat lace. Drummers indigo coat, lined in carmine and yellow lace.

Standard: See (4) Tscharner, Sapherson p46

Command: Colonel-proprietor was Nicholas de Tscharner aka Tscharnair (dismissed that year). Colonel Commandant from 1704 and at Ramillies was Gabriel May of Hüning.

Kronprinz von Prussien (Dutch/Prussian foot – from Brandenburg/Prussia maintained by Holland - No 53)
13 Points
Veteran Foot M4 WS3 BS3 S3 T4 W1 I4 A1 Ld7

33 figures: 1 Colonel (Leader +5 points) 2 Ensign (+10/+10 points) 1 Drummer (+5 points) 3 Grenadiers (Veterans @ +4 points each = 12 points) 3 Officers 23 Other ranks
Total: 471 points

Representation: Regiments consist of 10 companies of three figures. Figures are based three companies to a base in three ranks (9 figures) making for 4 bases, 1 being a command base of 6 figures including the ensigns, drummer and colonel.

Historical Notes Formerly the Keurprinz regiment under Friedrich Wilhelm von Brandenburg became Kroonprinz when Brandenburg evolved to Prussia and Friedrich became crown prince. Adopted from wartime subsidy to permanent Dutch service in 1697 and reorganised from the Brandenburgh to the Dutch model.

Uniform: Blue – coat & w/coat, grenadier cuffs, NCO & Officer breeches & stockings. Red – cuffs, stockings. Leather breeches. Yellow hat edging, buttons. Grenadier hat – red front, blue crown, yellow piping.

Standard: ?

Command: Colonel Proprietor was Kronprinz Friedrich Wilhelm of von Prussien – future King Friedrich Wilhelm I of Prussia (the Solder King) – bn 1688. Colonel Commandant from 1695 (last recorded) was Albrecht Conrad Fink von Finkenstein (bn 1660).


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