Rapid Fire: 20mm Bofors AA by Airfix


Well I've had these models for decades and for reasons passing understanding, I've never got around to building any anti-aircraft models in spite of playing WW2 Rapid Fire wargames for decades.

I have a gradually expanding and significant commitment to 1944 western front British forces and so it was about time I gave my artillery batteries some protection from the Hun-in-the-Sun.

I thought to give them some camouflage so threw up a screen using tooth-pics and a gauze bandage. After painting I splashed some lines of PVA white glue here and there and pressed in some blended foliage and flock.


I've got several of these old Airfix kits so if I was going to bother building one, then might as well build two. These days I prefer to build the model completely, including the crew for an overall better model. When they cop any casualties prior to being neutralised, I'll just throw a number chit to indicate losses. One day I'll stump up for an AA Tank but it's far from a priority. I mostly enjoy air superiority anyway but now and then one of the Luftwaffe's finest makes a surprise and unwelcome appearance.


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