Normandie 1944: Sd.Kfz. 173 Jagdpanthers
These two models are the reason I build this kampfgruppen in the first place. Essentially, my concept of this scratched-together force is to support these two behemoths lumbering into the filed to hold back the allied hordes.
They really are large buggers and all I had to do was paint them this time. They were either a gift or a trade and both are Armourfast rapid-build models - simple and sweet.
I gave them two different paint schemes and all were hand painted (brush) and again so too were the markings.
These models don't come with aeriel fixtures so they aren't getting any. From what I can see, Jagdpanther aerials were relatively small so we aren't missing much.
I didn't put any stowage on them and I based them travelling along a dirt road which isn't wide enough - so the tracks are chewing up the shoulders.
I haven't done any rust effect (except the exhaust pipes) or chipping as I can't help but assume they weren't in the field all that long.
Anyway, I have long loved the design and look of the Jagdpanther and now, at long last I have two to play with.
Kfz 76s for the Dak project, don’t worry, I didn’t know what a Kfz 76 was either, even though I am a former artilleryman, it was a German truck mounted artillery observation/range finding vehicle, it was mounted on a couple of very similar truck chassis, one of which was the einheitsdiesel, I found the base model file. {Kfz Gutachter München}