Evolving Slingers


This lot is my second and could be my last effort for Caesarian legionary slingers. I have cracked out two sets of six more slingers - six for Legio III and another six for Legio XI.

I've continued with the approach that the scutum is too large a shield to allow slingers to carry it and shoot at the same time. I'm not insisting that I'm right - it's just my assumption for my depictions.

Now that I can see the figures in all their macro photographic glory, I realise I might have to touch up the brown/yellow paint where the decals have whitened.

I have to admit I really enjoyed mucking about with these Warlord Games miniatures in making these fighting pairs. I've built and painted ten cohorts at 24 figures apiece plus some in command vignettes. That's near 240 figures so it's a pleasant change to do something a bit different with them.

As you can see, I've posed a couple of the shield bearers as if they are actively fending off incoming missiles. In future I might do more and have them with some arrows sticking out of their shields but for this lot you've have to imagine them defending against sling-shot.

I only have two more weekends left in Tonga where I can dedicate my time to building/painting. I had hoped to have received my Ballista and Scorpio with mule carts but alas, I suspect they will miss me.

This weekend I should finish my third testudo - this time one for the Legio III. That will do for the Caesarian Romans for a while. September really has been Roma month for me.



  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Phil. They are almost all done now. Just a few cohorts to go.

  2. Your slingers look great and base composition adds a lot of interest. Nice!

    1. Cheers JF. The plastic Romans certainly;y are adaptable. I'll always prefer good metal figures but the plastics do offer options to express creatively.

    2. These are great little stands Greg...
      I love the different narratives you have for each one...

      All the best. Aly

    3. Thanks Aly. The people closest to me are forever telling me I overthink everything. It's the product of someone with too much time on his hands I suppose. BUT I have long approached each unit as a 'model' in and of itself which helps me to progress things and look for the differences.

  3. Very impressive. The Romans certainly mastered all sorts of tactics and weapons.

    1. Thanks Dean. No doubt about it, the Roman legions were an adaptable bunch.


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